Passionate About Inspiring Others
Retired Veteran of the United States Armed Forces, Ms. Flo Leavy, Author, and founder of Meet My Shoes Organization is fierce, compassionate, competitive, and accomplished in all areas of her life. She is an outspoken advocate who is passionate about the well-being of all veterans, low-income families, and those stricken by the hardships of poverty.

- Ms. Flo & MMS members have strategically aligned their partnerships with organizations, donors, and community angels to provide a wide range of benefits and services. These services can be deployed to maximize the receivable benefits to individuals in need. Everyone involved from initial consultation to final resolution stays ready to assist the needs on a long-term basis. We understand that not all problems can be resolved by quick-fix solutions. MMS is committed to the journey one is willing to take in order to find the social successes one is desiring to find. Life is not a race, it is a marathon.